Monday, July 30, 2007

Jonathan Ross Snogs Neil Gaiman

Thank goodness I'm not the only one on the planet who blushes like mad when put on the spot! That's Neil Gaiman, one of my favorite writers, at Comic Con 2007 in San Diego having an intimate moment with Jonathan Ross... Here's an excerpt from Mr Gaiman's blog describing said moment:

"Jonathan and I were the last of the presenters, and we hadn't worked anything out to do because I turned up so late. ("You'll be funny," I said, having found myself on stage with Jonathan a few times before. "I'll be the straight man." )

It was almost midnight. Everyone was tired. The energy was ebbing from the room...

Jonathan explained that he was famous in England, and that he loved comics... He loved comics so much he had named his son after Kurtzman and Kirby. He loved comics even more than he loved masturbation. And he loved masturbation.... And he was off.

Now Jonathan Ross is funny. He has hosted more awards shows than probably any human being alive. And he was in his element.

Every now and again, I'd manage to stop laughing, and get us back onto announcing and presenting awards. (I was thrilled to present one to Alison Bechdel for Fun Home, one to Gene Luen Yang for American Born Chinese.)

Finally the mad gleam in Jonathan's eye focussed on me, and he announced that we would now celebrate the Eisners and comics... by re-enacting Madonna and Britney Spears' famous kiss at the MTV music awards...

So yesterday night, on that stage, in front of thousands of comics fans and professionals, I got an Eisner, the Bob Clampett Humanitarian award and was snogged by Jonathan Ross.

Maddy thought it was funny. She said I turned lots of interesting colours."


For those of you who don't know who Neil Gaiman is, (how depraved you have been!), he's a writer who first gained recognition in the Comics world with the acclaimed Vertigo series The Sandman. He went on to write best-selling novels... please see his bio here.

Now, several of his books are being made into movies including Stardust, which will be in theaters on August 10th, and Coraline, which is scheduled to be released in 2008.

I highly recommend all of his material, but most especially The Sandman. It has some rather shocking subject matter, (you must have a high tolerance for violence and nudity), but also an ingenious convergence of classic mythology, modern culture, philosophical perspectives of the universe, and just all around great story telling. Not to mention an unbelievable collection of covers by Dave McKean! Yum.

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