Friday, July 06, 2007


Sheesh... how the time flies!

Can you believe over a month has passed and I haven't stepped foot inside my beloved BTtLG? Sad!

I'll tell you what happened: the Crazy-Job-From-Hell swallowed me whole and it took me a while to crawl out from under a pile of work. I hate to admit this about myself, but I really do have a one-track-mind. If I get immersed in one aspect of life, it is very easy for me to forget all the other aspects. Bills don't get paid. Emails don't get written. Calls don't get made and people start to think I've moved to Timbuktu or, god forbid, that I'm mad at them, (which is never the case.)

So after the job ended, I caught up on the rest of my life... (especially the bills part!) and here I am.

Lots happened while I was busy with the CJFH. First off, Father's Day came and went. I just didn't have time to sit down on Father's Day weekend and tell you about my wonderful dad, so I'm hijacking July 6 and making it an honorary fathers day just for JBFT. Here is a picture of me in his arms when I was 1!

Isn't he handsome? Yes, he was a young father, but he was such a fun one! My favorite memories of my dad in the days of my childhood are:
  1. playing tickle monster on the living room floor.
  2. when he would let Liz and me ride in the back of the truck.
  3. telling us bizarre bedtime stories, (that he made up), about giant clams and running noses.
  4. watching him work. I've always admired how much my dad can get done in one day. Since we lived on a farm back then, there was a lot of work to get done! Baling hay, tilling fields, laying cement blocks for tool sheds, feeding the animals, etc.
  5. being with him in the ocean at the beach. There's nothing like clinging to your Dad's neck while waves are crashing into you... it's safe and exhilarating all at the same time!
  6. his unbelievable composure while teaching me how to drive. Seriously... he's the best driver's-ed teacher in the world. He doesn't even blink an eye when one runs a giant GMC truck into one's chimney. (That does happen to everyone, doesn't it?)
  7. going to the Lynard Skynard concert in SC. Yes, I'm showing my true colors here. I have been to a Skynard concert and I'll admit it... it rocked! (Of course, I was 14 at the time... and I was with my dad... but my dad happens to party harder than most people my age, so what can I say?)
  8. The day he rescued me from a vicious battle involving a bike and a barbed-wire fence.
  9. Watching him with groups of people. He's always been good in groups. He calls it "politickin". I call it natural charisma.
  10. watching movies on weekend afternoons...
Me - "Dad, why did the little alien guy's finger glow when he touched..."
Dad - "If you be quiet and listen, you just might find out."
Me - "But, Dad, what does it mean when the he says phone..."
Dad - "If you listen, you'll see."
Me - "Um, Dad, why is he getting sick?"
Dad - "Sarah, shut up and watch the movie."

Hee hee... now some of you know why I'm such a movie Nazi!

Happy (hijacked) Father's Day, Dad!!! I love you!

You'll be hearing more about him later this month. His birthday is coming up!


Sarah said...

testing testing... just checking to see if we're having technical difficulties here.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you writing again!

Hmmm... I had no idea you spent formative years on a farm. Do you still have dreams of hay and... uh, chicken feed? Sorry, that's all I know about farm life.

I crashed a car with my dad too! Only mine was three days after I passed my road test, and I flipped the car by running into a divider on the highway. Huh. Well, almost the same!

Anonymous said...

Finally got a chance to sit down and catch up. I certainly remember all the things you mention in your blog. Boy, could I tell some stories on you. But I won't. You'll just have to wait on the book! Love you!