Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Parlour Room

OK - so this is a special kind of post.

This is the "Parlour Room" of posts.

Most of you visit on a regular basis. Thank you! That's exactly what keeps me writing. (I was never much of a journal writer mainly because I always thought: what's the point in writing something no one is ever going to read?)

The great thing about blogs is that it gives the reader a chance to respond. See the tiny little link below this, (and every), post that reads "comment"? That is the interactive element on this page! That little button gives you a voice! How exciting!

OK - so most of you know this. Please be patient while I bring the rest of the class up to date. (My mom, for instance, may have a ton of trouble figuring this out... sorry, mom, but you know it's true! )

Bloggers love comments. Comments validate our existence. Comments make this whole exercise feel more like a conversation than a dissertation. Comments also let you know who else is reading...

Let me tell you that one of the driving forces for me to be here is to build a community of people who love life, art, and unique expressions of existence. Thanks for being here! Please spread the word... and - since this is the "Parlour Room" post, please introduce yourself! BTW - anytime you see Parlour Room, that will be an opportunity to make your presence known. Shall we see how crowded it will get in here by the end of the year?

And now, your host will take her seat and give you the stage.

*much clapping and whistling from the audience*


Beth said...

Yay! I am proud and delighted to be the first to respond to your "parlour" call-to-arms! For those of you who don't know, I am Sarah's little sister - located in the beautiful mountains of NC, and no less in love with life then Sarah is! And, because she often has to live vicariously through me, being located closer to our family, I would like to report that the most recent addition to our family, Olivia Grace, is doing fine by all accounts!

On another front, I am also opening a new gift this year...the second part of the Landmark Education curriculum - The Advanced Course. And for those of you who are interested, my sister gave me The Forum as a gift 10 years ago. And she and I both use it on a regular basis! It is a pretty amazing, and like her, I would highly encourage you to check it out!

And in case you are unaware, I would like to officially state, for the record, that you are participating in the blog of the best sister in the whole world! A sister that would not, under any circumstances, hit me.

Unless she had express permission from our mother.

And even when she had it, only hit me once, right smack dab in the middle of the chest…

However, I would like to report that Sarah’s hitting me hurt her much more than it did me, as it went against her very grain. Indeed, she fights her battles with words and ideas as indicated on her blog. Anyway, that time passed and Sarah and I grew to be fast friends and remain so today. And although we still have some things to work through, I can’t imagine my life without her! As a matter of fact, if my phone bill is any indicator, she is the person I talk most to in the world! So just know that if her sister, who knows all her deepest and darkest secrets, can proclaim such love for her, how much more amazing is your life now that she is in it? Just some food for thought…hee, hee, hee…

Anonymous said...

Yes - you have some lurkers. Isn't that mysterious!

Julie31 said...

Wow, I'm in good company! Sarah's sister who I've never met but hear is awesome, and a mystery person... Hmm...

So, I'm new to this game. Have never left a comment on a blog. In fact I only just started reading blogs when Sarah and my husband Joe each started one up. I'm excited to be part of this "new" technology. Yes, I'm running a little behind. In any case, back to the point! -- I'm looking forward to this very latest opportunity to procrastinate, and of course more importantly inspire and motivate Sarah. Sarah, as some of you may know, has become a very close friend of mine. We met intially when she graciously accepted to be my production designer for my short film Celamy. We clicked so well a friendship was unavoidable. And now we're at the point of designing our futures together, which include each other in all sorts of capacities and dream scenarios (like yearly trips to Costa Rica and weekend trips to Paris).

In any case, that's me. Looking forward to meeting some more of Sarah's friends and family on this blog. I hand the torch over to the next person!

Anonymous said...

Not only does this one fall into the "best sister in the world" category, to quote a most fabulous Liz, but ST also is nominated in the category of "best friend in the world". The more categories the better I say! I too feel I am in terribly good company...thanks for that wonderful observation Julie. The "parlour room"...just divine! Mystery, intrigue, good company, & creative, could be the makings of a good story in here somewhere.

And then...

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

Unknown said...

It is in fact a little difficult to push past the urge to close this window. There's a real, palpable, "what the hell am I writing" reflex. "Ooh, I'm gonna look bad..." But push past it I must.

It's funny, now that I too have started a blog, I can really relate to the "I hope I got a comment" feeling, Sarah. Of course, you're the only one who's ever commented on my blog.

And probably the only one who ever reads it too.

Thanks. :)

What happens next in the parlour?

Anonymous said...

Sarah, honey........I'm right there with your mother (if she IS there!) and still reading. And, for the record, I'm really glad you're part of this family too. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Just another for good measure
Something simple for the pleasure
Thoughts, and memories, and love all round...
Comments help a blog resound!

Taking note of being read
Brilliant things that have been said
Respect for words and passioned phrase
In this blog you'll be amazed!

Nothing here, 'tis just a rhyme,
and it will pass the same as time
But please don't go without a pass "Back Through the Looking Glass"!

Anonymous said...


Through the Looking Glass is pretty NEAT....pretty Neat! It takes the reader into a magical world of love and art...

Love You,

Sarah said...

Yay! Thank you all for playing on the Looking Glass court! Now I know who the brave, or maybe just tech savvy, souls are. I am happy to have the company! Let me know what you are craving. More art?More pictures? More strange tidbits from the virtual frontier? See you post-side!

*clap clap whistle whistle*

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie. I know it's taken me a long time to 'blog.' It's been a little like my inability to get packages to the post office. My intentions are good, but the items can be so late they're out of date.

I'm really enjoying this.I love hearing from your friends and family. (Casey, congratulations to you and your lovely wife and daughter if you're blogging too).

For those of you who haven't guessed, I'm Sarah's Mom...the one who needs lots of computer coaching and encourages my daughters to smack one another. (There's a story there for another time).
It's a wonderful thing (in spite of the smacking) to have two daughters who love and respect one another. Their creativity and zest for life keeps me inspired and energized.
Sarah, I love your new artwork using photoshop. Send more.
K. enough for a first time.
Weedle, deedle, dee....

Sarah said...

Oooo - look! Mom found us! Yay Mom! I laughed out loud when I read those lines about the smacking. I'll just let everybody imagine what that must be about. And you delivered the christening wheedle! Thanks! Looking forward to more...

Anonymous said...

I am arriving fashionably late to the Parlour Room and probably won't engage in much conversation as I am not so eloquent with words but wanted to let you know that I am here observing. Thank you for putting out the notification that the looking glass is out there. I enjoy reading the blogs.