Monday, April 23, 2007

Not so Manic...

Hello all -

I hope you had as great a weekend as I had. The sun really does wonders for my whole outlook on life. It's a good thing I don't live in Siberia or Seattle or a cave somewhere... no offence to Siberians or Seattleans or hermits.

I am sitting here at my little wooden desk next to the window and the breeze is so nice! I was out and about over the weekend and here are a few pictures I took:


Those are the spires of Grace Episcopal Church in Manhattan. It's not the biggest cathedral, but it's one of the prettiest. Lots of buds still waiting to flower.

And - I went yarn shopping. Yes, I hate to admit it, but yarn shopping is one of my vices. Nope - don't drink. Nope - don't smoke. Nope - don't do drugs. But, boy, I can spend a ton of money on yarn! I had to learn how to knit so I'd have something to do with all of that stuff! My favorite 2 yarn shops in the world are: Purl Soho in Manhattan and The Quarter Stitch in New Orleans. Purl Soho has a great blog called The Purl Bee with lots of good tutorials if you want to learn how to knit or crochet. The Quarter Stitch is slightly behind when it comes to online presence, but their storefront is the best! I'll dig up a photo and post it soon.

Here are the yarns I bought. And below is one of the projects I'd like to use them for... who doesn't need a pair of harlequin knee-highs? Yummy.

Woah - way past my bedtime! I have a ton of drafting to do tomorrow and Leese is a whipcracker, so I'm off. Have a great Tuesday!


Dr. B. said...

Those are beautiful photos.

I am SO jealous that you can go to Purl any time you want. It is absolutely my favorite favorite.

And those socks are gonna be great!

Julie31 said...

I love those socks!

Sounds like you had a nice day. Love the first picture. Beautiful framing.

In any case, I think you left me a message yesterday, but have been running around like a chicken without a head to get ready for Tribeca. Will call as soon as I have a moment to breathe... Meanwhile, enjoy the weather!

