Saturday, April 14, 2007

Early Bird Gets the Splint

Hey everybody.

I don't think a single one of you is up yet. Well... maybe a few of you are peeking though puffy eyelids at 7:30 on a Saturday morning.

I am up! I've had my Joe and I'm ready to go...

My friend Julie and I are off to a Standard First Aid class today. Why? you ask...

Well, it's a long story. And a gross one. But, I'll tell you about it later. Don't worry, I'm not concerned about your knee-jerk disgust reflexes. I just don't have time right now. Suffice it to say, I have Samaritan tendencies, but don't know a darn thing about first aid. And, when you're walking around in city packed with 8 million people you are bound to run into a few injuries here or there.

Yikes! Time flies when I'm here and it's almost 7:45... so I'm off! Have a great Saturday and I'll see you on the other side of the CPR dummy.

Over and Out

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