Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy Year of the Pig!

Happy (Chinese) New Year, everybody...

This is the Year of the Pig and, from what I've read on my various web jaunts, a year for happiness, honesty, and good fortune. Luckily for me, that fits right in with my theme for the year.

I have been away for a while for 2 reasons:
1 - I am working on a great job for that involves a famous little red puppet, lots of fun graphics to produce, and hours of staring at the computer screen which makes one less inclined to boot up for personal endeavors later in the evening.

2- I have had a cold. Due to the cold, I have been taking drugs. I don't know about you, but I don't trust myself not to say/write/post strange things while on drugs, even if it is just cold medicine!

So - I took a little break. Did you miss me?

Anyway, I am here now. I will tell you that I am generally happy on this 2nd day of the year of the Pig. I celebrated the New Year with one of my favorite families in NY. If you are ever in the New York area, I highly recommend requesting an audience with the Lin's. (If you have been reading you will see that I have edited this post because I got one of my "yes,-you-can-write-about-me-on-my-blog" forms signed.) Mrs. Lin is just a gift to the planet. She is a lucious recipe of love, generosity, and joy packed into a tiny body with just enough room left over for a pinch of humor. Her husband, Mr Lin, is equally as generous and is also a very talented artist. Their son, J. Lin is one of my favorite people, (not the least reason being that he's married to a very dear friend of mine) incredibly intelligent, as big of a geek as I am, (he knows all of the Star Trek: Next Generation episodes by name! I can only recite most of the races,) and who will hopefully let me move into his old room if I go bust in my career and can't afford to get back to my own wonderful family down south!

Can you tell I love them?

Who knows, maybe you'll have the very good fortune of meeting them someday. Your life will be the better for it.

Anyway, we had a wonderful dinner. I got to try some new foods that I had never had before: a bread that is steamed instead of baked, sticky rice that you must eat so that money will stick to you in the upcoming year, and a rice cake with fruit in it that looked suspiciously like the Taiwanese version of a Fruit Cake. It was all delicious and I went home very full of good food and well-hugged by Mrs. Lin.

Thank you, dear Lin's for a delightful evening!

Of course, today, it was back to the grind. I'll be on set for the rest of the week, so I'll post if I can. I love hearing from all of you. Getting a comment is like discovering treasure in those old Sierra adventure games, (King's Quest... remember?)

Happy Tuesday!



Anonymous said...

Two points of clarification.

1)I think it's safe to go ahead and say The Lins. Why? Well, mostly because it's good to sow a little trust into this fearful world, but also because there are literally hundreds of Lins in the white pages... 63 J Lins alone, so I think we'll be ok; and,

2) I do not know all the titles to the STNG episodes, only a select few. But I'm happy you had a good time at dinner. :)

P.S. Although, I guess I must be a pretty big geek, as I could never forget King's Quest. How could anyone? Just in case...'s_Quest,

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. I have tried to check every few days and see what you are writing. I think you got your thought process from the same place you got the mole on your upper lip. I am so blessed to have someone that actually says what I think. I love you and miss seeing you.
I know that doesn't have anything to do with what you wrote on this blog, but hey, I think therefore I am dangerous.