Monday, August 13, 2007

My apologies to the universe and everyone in it...


OK - so I am just going to lay it all out right here so everyone knows what is going on with me.

I am so unbelievably out of integrity right now with practically everyone.

I have at least 12 people I owe calls to that I haven't called yet. I have forgotten my phone at home twice in the past week. Everything I have mailed in the past two months has been mailed late. I haven't packed a single box. I forgot to buy cat food for the cats last night. I haven't been following a workout regimen. I didn't check all the fonts on the drafting I sent to the printer. Because I forgot my phone, I couldn't call my step-dad on his birthday. I didn't tell Ahmed I was going to be working on Sunday. I forgot to call my prescriptions into the pharmacist. I keep forgetting to schedule all these things into my phone so I have a digital reminder.

In short, I am slightly overwhelmed with life right now.

Actually, I am so overwhelmed - I don't even have time to worry about being overwhelmed. I feel pretty empty. Like a robot has taken over my body and is just processing one command after another. The commands don't really make sense. I just do what is put in front of me to do.

I have 4 priorities at the moment:
  1. sign a lease on a new apartment
  2. pack to move into said apartment
  3. pack to move into new studio
  4. keep making money so I can afford all this moving

As a result of this - hopefully short-lived - hurricane of discombobulation... some people aren't very happy with me at the moment. And I just don't have the energy to make things right. So - to all of you who I dearly love, but just can't reach out to right now: I'm sorry I'm not available. I hope you'll forgive my lapse and know that it's temporary. I'll be more settled in a month or two when I have my own apartment and have settled into living by myself. I think about you even if I'm not calling/writing/emailing. And soon, as my step-dad likes to say: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."

Oh - and by the way, I just have to point out that the best person in the world to help you though the stormy straits of life is a mother who calls to remind you to take it easy on yourself! You are only human after all...

(No matter how much you wish you could wrinkle your face like Samantha Stephens and have your house packed with the twitch of a nose!)


Anonymous said...

tester 123

Anonymous said...

(OK. So I can post a comment from Joe's computer.)

Just wanted to say that where you are right now is just a testiment to the hugeness of the game you're playing. If you were playing small, you'd be keeping up with stuff just fine. But you're designing a new LIFE! That's gonna cause a little bit of a mess, No? So, way to go, Sarah!