Monday, September 24, 2007

In limbo

I had great intentions of posting a segment about my latest shoot for the First Wives World image campaign, but I am in a state of mild agitation this week as I wait to see if I've been approved for the only apartment I've liked enough for which to submit a deposit.


I hate waiting!

In the meantime, here's a picture of 2 little mischief makers who have made the apartment hunt a hell of a lot harder:
They are lucky they are cute. Realtors keep asking me if I can leave them behind, but who could abandon such great cats? I've had them for 11 years now. They are like family to me. And Gizmo is a fierce watch-cat who I'll definitely need if I'm going to be living alone!


OK - I'm off to pack up the china. (Yes, can you believe it? I own china. Thanks to my mom and her quirky southern traditions. I've had it for 4 years now and never used it once! Hmmm... maybe getting this apartment will be a nice reason to have a fancy dinner on my Jewel Sapphire Lenox collection. Of course, I only have 3 sets, so I guess it will have to be for me and 2 other lucky people! All the rest of you will have to use the fiesta ware. Sorry!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the wait will be over today and we can FINALLY dance a big jig (spelling?).

And BTW, I burned the Image Campaign pics for you and they're lying on your desk -- in case you wanted to use them for your next blog entry.

Will call you later! xox