Not in the monetary sense, (I tend to fall in the starving artist category), but more so in the details-of-life sense. So, I thought I would share the wealth today and this will probably turn out to be a long entry! I am opening my mental treasure chests. These are my personal treasures, but maybe they will spark a query about your own.
A Treasure of Words: Words are the simplest treasure. They are exquisite on their own, little sparkling gems without a setting, or strung into opulent aural necklaces. Here is a gem for each letter of the alphabet and a list of my favorite master-jewelers.
astonish * beetle * coriander * denizen * ellipse * frisky * gossamer * harlequin * incarnadine * jinx * kimono * legendary * macabre * nimble * oubliette * pepper * quince * rascal * sphinx * tempest * ultramarine * vertigo * whisper * xylocopa * yonder * zombie
Dorothy Dunnett * Angela Carter * Edgar Allen Poe * Neil Gaiman
William Shakespeare * Dylan Thomas * Charles Dickens * Mary Shelley
A Treasure of Creatures: I am an avid fan of shows like Nature and Planet Earth because they allow me to revel in the varieties of species. Technology is now so advanced, we can view the nocturnal habits of creatures we once thought were pure myth like the Hawk Moth. Here is my top ten list of bugs and beasties, (click on each entry to find out more about them:
1 - Bower Birds
2 - The Black and White Colobus Monkey
3 - The Flamboyant Cuttlefish
4 - Coleoptera: Lampyridae
5 - The Polar Bear
6 - The Emperor Tamarin
7 - The Golden Orb-Weaving Spider
8 - The Giraffe
9 - The Snowy Owl
10 - The Pygmy Marmoset Tarsier
A Treasure of Music: There are pieces of music that make my molecules hum. If only you could be a fly on the wall to see me dancing in my living room! You'd get a good laugh. I am so happy these soundtracks were put out into the world! They cover all kinds of emotional ground: triumph, wonder, desperation, madness, comfort, loss. The ones I've listed may not be the most well known by that particular composer, but they are the ones that I employ as the soundtracks for my own story.
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind - John Williams
- Edward Scissorhands - Danny Elfman
- The Last Starfighter, (main title) - Craig Safan
- Twin Peaks - Angelo Badalamenti
- Sommersby - Danny Elfman
- Glory - James Horner
- Requiem For a Dream - Clint Mansell
- Batman - Danny Elfman
- The Mission - Ennio Morricone
- Amadeus - Mozart and others